The Most Important Thing about Your Portrait Session (besides you!)


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What makes the best photographs are genuine relationships between families, sweet couples lovin’ on each other, and little babies running around and just being themselves. Every time. But besides incredible people, the #1 element I’m most concerned about when it comes to your photographs is… the LIGHT! Having good light can make or break your photographs. When I was first starting out, I would shoot anytime, anywhere. If it was nearly thunder-storming, I’d still try and find a way to make it work. I don’t regret doing that; I think it made me a better photographer. But now that I’ve honed in on what helps me to capture the types of images I want, I can be strategic about planning!

For outdoor sessions, I photograph either in the early morning, a couple hours after sunrise, or in the evening, close to sunset! This helps me to capture my sessions in the softest, prettiest sunlight. There are locations I’ll shoot often with lots of open shade where we aren’t as confined to that timing.

For indoor sessions, I tend to schedule between the late morning and early afternoon. I am always looking for bright, natrually lit rooms, big windows, and light colored walls and decor.

I absolutely love that a huge part of my photography is searching for light because of the metaphor it is for life. I want to always be looking for the good, the bright, the beautiful in life. Not because I want to ignore the dark parts, but because it’s with that darkness that the light shines even brighter. 

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