Baby R in August!


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It’s true! Zac and I are expecting our first baby this summer! We are over-the-moon excited and so grateful! We can still hardly believe it’s real! I have looked forward to being pregnant for nearly my entire life- for real- and the journey to arriving here looked nothing like we thought it would. Nearly three years, soooo many “not yets”, one early loss, and finally, an IVF journey we couldn’t have imagined we’d be on.

Infertility hurts, and if you’re currently walking through a similar season, know that I see you and am hoping with you! I can honestly say that God worked in every crack and crevice of our story- in the waiting, in the wondering, in the grief, joy and hope- and I am better for it. That doesn’t mean infertility will never sting again, but I know that no matter my dreams or plans, this was always God’s Plan A for our family, and I have so much hope + peace in that!

I plan to share more about our journey with infertility and IVF in the coming weeks, but for now, we are just celebrating in this new adventure for our family! Baby R, we can’t wait to meet you!

Photos by: Hannah Forsberg

Calligraphy: Callie Brannen Design

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